Step by Step to Easier Pesach SHOPPING: A Conversation with Debra David Part II
Life coach Debra David provides practical organizational tips to bring the potentially overwhelming task of shopping for Pesach down to size.
Debra David is a Time Management Coach, helping women manage and organize their time, scheduling and planning their hectic schedules. Her passion is in helping mothers create calm in their lives in order to be the best wives and mothers for their families. Debra, who grew up in New Jersey, has been living in Jerusalem with her family for the past 16 years.
Anyone interested in receiving templates of Debra’s Pesach-prep lists and chart, or interested in one-on-one coaching can contact her at
**Also, a friendly reminder that today, the 25th of Adar (March 28th) is the first day of the 72 days of Chesed which last until Shavuot. According to the grandfather of Rav Elyashiv, the Leshem, these are THE MOST POWERFUL days of the year to get rid of your most stubborn and irritating character traits. During these days, Jewish mysticism teaches that if you put in even the most teensy and microscopic effort to change, God will carry you on eagle’s wings so that you can (nearly) effortlessly become the kind of person and mom you have always dreamed of being.
So is there something that you hate about your personality? Do you hate how you are so lazy or so disorganized or so impatient or so anxious?
Well, that could all change starting TODAY…Learn more here:
This was so helpful!!!