My Sister’s Stillbirth and Her Song by R’ Shloimie Stilerman

My Sister’s Stillbirth and Her Song by R’ Shloimie Stilerman

An incredible story about Reb. Estee Yarmish’s personal tragedy and the song that got her throught it to the other side.
Chag Sameach and Shabbat Shalom!


  1. Shira Yacker

    I was fortunate enough to have met the amazing Estee when I was on my Momentum trip in 2015. I will always remember her amazing positivity… She sends emails out on occasion and it is always a gift to hear from her…

  2. Hadassah

    Can you please post the lyrics? I am not catching them all

    • JewishMom

      he just sings over and over “I believe in G-d, and everything He does is good”

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