The Rosh Hashana Raffle Winner
On one of the Israeli army bases, they organized a Rosh Hashanah party for the soldiers. At the party, they made a raffle. There were 300 soldiers, and each put 50 shekel into the raffle, totaling 15,000 shekalim. A donor from the USA matched the amount collected, making the total raffle prize 30,000 shekalim.
Everyone could feel the excitement in the room as the soldiers wrote their names on the cards to put into the raffle box. The winning ticket would receive the entire sum.
One of the soldiers was debating what to write on his card. Although he would have liked to win, one of the soldiers in the battalion was recently seriously injured in an operational activity and was going through a difficult time. So he decided that even though the chances of winning was slim, he wrote the wounded soldier’s name instead of his own.
Finally, the moment of truth arrived. A commander shuffled through the box of cards and pulled out one name. The soldier silently prayed that the winner would be the wounded soldier. Finally, the commander announced the name of the winner, and a miracle happened! The winner was the injured soldier. Applause broke out in the room, the wounded soldier had tears in his eyes, and was led in his wheelchair to the stage to receive the prize money.
At the end of the party, the soldier who had written the wounded soldier’s name on the card was cleaning up the hall. He went to empty the box of name cards, and to his surprise, he noticed that the name of the wounded soldier was written on a card. He read another card, and again the name of the injured soldier appeared. One after the other, the soldiers had written the wounded soldier’s name on most of the cards.
מי כעמך ישראל!!