maybe because i was raised by an Israeli Mom, it seemed natural to me to raise my kids to be independent and self-sufficient, so this video doesn’t surprise me. The alternative is the news story a from a few years ago where parents in Washington DC were hauled into court for allowing their two children (ages 8 and 5 maybe…?) to go and play at the local playground BY THEMSELVES without an adult. I’d much rather have my kids be riding the bus or going to the playground at age 7 if the alternative is having them so dependent and lacking of life skills that by the age of 18 they can’t make a dentist appt by themselves or hold a job. The training for an independent and constructive life must start early. as far as i’m concerned, that’s the mother’s job. If she has raised her children to be a mentsch and to be constructive contributing members of society, then she has done her job well.
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maybe because i was raised by an Israeli Mom, it seemed natural to me to raise my kids to be independent and self-sufficient, so this video doesn’t surprise me. The alternative is the news story a from a few years ago where parents in Washington DC were hauled into court for allowing their two children (ages 8 and 5 maybe…?) to go and play at the local playground BY THEMSELVES without an adult. I’d much rather have my kids be riding the bus or going to the playground at age 7 if the alternative is having them so dependent and lacking of life skills that by the age of 18 they can’t make a dentist appt by themselves or hold a job. The training for an independent and constructive life must start early. as far as i’m concerned, that’s the mother’s job. If she has raised her children to be a mentsch and to be constructive contributing members of society, then she has done her job well.