Enough Quality-Time Guilt! by Parenting Expert Ziva Meir*

So many mothers feel guilty about not spending enough quality time with their children. But who decides what’s quality time? Is it going out with one kid? Sitting in a coffee shop? Going to the amusement park?
I’m in no way belittling the importance of quality time. But at the end of the day, the most important thing is the essential mother-child connection itself.
And if you could only understand how meaningful that connection is. Just being. No cooking, no laundry, no cleaning.
I think that when you understand the importance of you as a mother, being the mother of your children, the one’s given to you by God, and He doesn’t make mistakes.
If we could just isolate this pure meaningfulness of being a mother, not a perfect mother, just you as you are.
And what is the meaning of a mother to a child?
I can tell you right now that it is the most important thing for a child. And not only as a child, till 120 and beyond. Even in old age, and even when the mother has passed on years before.
The mother, with or without spending what she considers “quality time,” has a central, unshakable role in a child’s mind and heart.
*As heard at Ziva Meir’s talk in Kiryat Moshe last week. Learn more about her classes and counseling at https://ima-meir.co.il/landing20/
Translated by Albina Ginzburg