Mazal Tov, Mazal Tov

Mazal Tov, Mazal Tov

If you love, the person you should thank is the Hadas Eliana Weisberg, who, with her wondrous arrival into the world 25 years ago today, made me a Jewish mom. This photo was taken on a truly wonderful mother-daughter birthday trip we took today to Ein Gedi.

6Mazal tov, Hadas, on your 25th birthday, and mazal tov to me–25 years a Mom!


  1. Mazal Tov Hadas and Chana Jenny and happy birthday! May Hashem shower you both with bracha in this coming year.

  2. May you continue to have true nachas from each of your children and May you give much nachat to Hashem Yitborach.

  3. What a beautiful picture! It conveys so much love. Beautiful inside and out

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