Mother of Hallel and Yagel Yaniv HY”D : Nothing will Heal the Hole in Our Hearts

[A devastating tragedy took place this morning when 2 brothers, ages 20 and 22, were murdered by a Palestinian terrorist while driving from their home to the yeshivot where they study in Givat Olga and Kiryat Shmonah. 22-year old Hallel had just finished his service in the Israeli Navy where he was awarded the title of outstanding soldier. A friend remembered, “He was the first to volunteer for every mission, in the yeshiva and also in the IDF.” 20 year-old Yagel was about to enlist in the IDF as a combat soldier, hoping to serve in an elite unit. His Rosh Yeshiva remembered, “Yagel was very friendly and beloved by all. He had such a strong love for the world of Torah as well as for the Land of Israel.”
This is a translation of the powerful words of their grieving mother, Esti, earlier today. May Hashem comfort her and her entire grieving family and community]
God has struck us with a tremendous blow. We are trying to focus on God’s kindnesses in what happened: that we just had a family Shabbat together, that we had good conversations with the children yesterday, that we took a family photo. God does so much kindness. He sends us kindnesses even along with the painful blow.
We have a huge hole in our hearts. Nothing, nothing will close that hole. Not building [new Jewish homes or communities]. Not a demonstration. Nothing. And future happy occasions in our family will only be a band-aid.
This hole will remain and we will learn to live with it and live with it happily and continue to draw strength [from our community].
If you are asking what to do [in response to this tragedy], increase Torah study. Our sons were both on their way to learn Torah in yeshiva. Do meaningful service in the IDF. You can do what we always did – we would make soup and go and distribute it to the soldiers because now there will be a lot of troops guarding the roads.
But truly, there are no words that can comfort. No words that can express. No words