My Chicken-Soup Smile

My Chicken-Soup Smile
A few weeks ago we hosted a group of journalists, and photographer Eyal Warshawsky came along too. The first time I saw this photo that Eyal took of me I didn’t like it. My smile is so huge, it looked unnatural to me.
But now that I’ve had a chance to look at it more, I’ve decided I love it! My smile is so big because I love being Jewish and I love meeting people from all over and hearing about their lives and sharing my Jewish life with them. And that means sharing my chicken and matzah ball soup!
And I want to bless you and bless myself that every time we serve chicken soup (until 120!) we will feel the kind of chicken-soup joy that Eyal captured that night.
Shabbat shalom!

One comment

  1. I’m a bit confused – did he take the picture on Shabbat?
    Beautiful that you loving sharing Jewish life full of mitzvot!

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