The $1000 Car Repair

The $1000 Car Repair

Last week I bumped into another car and knocked my front headlight a bit out of place.

At the garage they told me I was going to have to replace the entire front bumper. Cost: Over $1000!

Around that same time I had also been thinking of making a donation to our friend’s organization that provides food packages to needy working neighborhood families. In honor of the 10 Days of Teshuva. Teshuva, tefilla, tsedaka remove the evil decree, and all that.

That same day, our friend sent me a receipt for a previous donation, so I asked him for his bank details and transferred him our new donation.

A few hours later my husband told me his friend the taxi driver had recommended a different car mechanic.

In the end, that other mechanic did a fantastic job, car looks good as new.

Price: Less than half what the first garage requested.

And by the way, the final price was nearly EXACTLY the 1st garage’s price minus the amount we’d given to charity.

Teshuva, tefila, tsedaka remove the evil decree. INDEED!

One comment

  1. I love it! You feel G-d’s HUG.

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