Gathering Stars: A Duet Between a Husband in Gaza and a Wife on Homefront by Yonina

Gathering Stars: A Duet Between a Husband in Gaza and a Wife on Homefront by Yonina

I love all of Yonina’s songs, but this is especially poignant. I have many neighbors whose husbands are in Gaza and in the North. One neighbor’s about to give birth. Another gave birth a few weeks ago. And these women are heroically holding down the homefront, with a house full of little kids worried about Abba. And the mothers, of course, are worried themselves.

And holding down jobs.
And struggling with morning sickness.
And struggling with their kids alone for the past 100 days.
May Hashem bless all these heroines with the strength they need to get through this.
And may Yonina (and all these divided couples) be reunited soon, singing their gorgeous melodies with no split screen dividing them.
May Israel achieve victory please God, ushering in permanent peace and security on our borders. Amen! 🙏 🇮🇱



  1. Oh my. Very beautiful and heartbreaking both together.

  2. What strength these women have, to forge ahead, to be strengthened through emuna and kindness. May all the soldier’s wives gain strength from Hashem.
    May all the soldiers come back SOON.

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