A Miracle as Great as the Splitting of the Red Sea by Dr. Mordechai Abitbol

A Miracle as Great as the Splitting of the Red Sea by Dr. Mordechai Abitbol

[Dr. Abitbol is an electro-optics engineer who received his doctorate in physics from the Hebrew University and has worked for Israel’s defense industry.]

Many people have a feeling that we experienced a miracle this past Saturday night. I would like to go beyond that wide-spread feeling and share real, scientific evidence that on Saturday night something happened here on the scale of the splitting of the Red Sea.

I am a doctor of physics and worked for several years in the defense industry in Israel. I worked on projects that are still at the cutting edge of the defense systems of the State of Israel. When I look at what happened on Saturday night, on a scientific level, it simply COULD NOT happen. The likelihood that everything, but everything, works out, DOES NOT exist in complex systems, like the defense systems used on Saturday night.

These systems have never, but never, been tried in real time. Not in Israel, not anywhere in the world.

I took a pencil and dived into the calculations to check the likelihood that such an unlikely result would materialize. The large number of events that had to be handled, when each missile or UAV is handled independently (that is, human error or some deviation of one operation, is not offset by other successful operations) doubles the chance of making a mistake. Despite the sophisticated technologies used, anyone with background in defense systems would certainly expect a significant breach in the defense of the skies of the State of Israel during an attack of this scale.

Even if we had managed 90% protection, it would have been a miracle.

What happened is that everyone, but everyone – the pilots, the systems operators and the technology operators acted as one at one moment in total unity. If this is not an act of God, then I no longer know what a miracle is.

The clarity of this miracle is sharper than the victory of the Six Day War or the War of Independence. There the events could possibly have been explained according to natural circumstances.

The rescue that took place for the people of Israel on Saturday night is simply impossible naturally. I believe that this miracle saved the lives of many people in Israel.

If the defense system had failed to intercept a number of cruise missiles, the result would have dragged us into a very complex campaign.
I wouldn’t bet that next time it will work like this without divine supervision.
The simple proof of my claim is that the managers of the defense industries who develop and manufacture these systems guarantee no more than 90% success!

“From the day you came out of the land of Egypt we showed you wonders.” Happy Passover!



  1. YES, thank G!d!!!

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