Y’allah Nasrallah

Y’allah Nasrallah

Remember when Bin Laden was assassinated?
And Sadam Hussein?
And the joy and relief and gratitude and new hope we felt when an evil man with so much innocent blood on his hands was gone?
That was what we felt today in Israel and throughout the Jewish world.
The last Shabbat of the year has the power to retroactively fix all the Shabbats of the past year.
To fix all the Shabbats since last Simchat Torah when we felt defeated and down and hopeless and despairing about the current situation we are in.
And this Shabbat we felt such joy and relief and gratitude and new hope. We clearly saw Hashem’s hand, protecting us from our blood-thirsty enemies dead-set on our annihilation.
Thank you to our brave soldiers and thank you to Hashem!
Here’s a song that was written EIGHTEEN years ago about assassinating Nasrallah. Shehichayanu vkiyamanu vhigiyanu l’zman hazeh!

Y’allah Nasrallah by Nadav Frishman

Even if you throw missiles at us
Or threaten the Galilee with
Your friends from Syria and Iran
Even if you drop more missiles here
Know that there is no more despair here
Together we will overcome these troubles…

So listen carefully, you wretched Hizballah-nik
And be ready, because soon the entire IDF,
with the Apache, the F-16, the ships,
The missiles, the tanks, the commandos,
Paratroopers, Golani, Givati…
Everyone…everyone…is coming to visit you.
So take a few deep breaths, and enjoy them…
Because these are your last breaths
You evil murderer!


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