The Short, Great Lives of our Fallen Soldiers

The Short, Great Lives of our Fallen Soldiers

Today I came across a quote from an unlikely source that brought me comfort in this week of funerals for so many young soldiers.
Author Tom Stoppard puts this quotation into the mouth of a nineteenth-century Russian philosopher as he struggles to come to terms with the death of his son, who drowned in a shipwreck and whose life, the philosopher insists, was no less valuable for never coming to fruition in adult accomplishments.
‘Because children grow up, we think a child’s purpose is to grow up,’ the philosopher says. ‘But a child’s purpose is to be a child. God doesn’t disdain what only lives for a day. Life’s bounty is in its flow. It pours the whole of itself into each moment.”
Which reminds me of the verse, “V’Avraham zaken, ba b’yamim.” “Avraham was old, and well along in years.”
Avraham lived to the age of 175, which sounds very old to us today. But for those days, Avraham’s life was very short, a small fraction of his forefathers’ lifespans.
So what is the meaning of this phrase, that Abraham was old and well along in years?
The Zohar teaches that this phrase literally means, “And Abraham was old and his days came with him.” Every day of Abraham’s life was so full, so good, that he was like an old person.
This year I have heard the stories of dozens of young soldiers who were killed since October 7th. And there was not a single one I learned about who did not leave me awe-struck. Not a single one whose few days in this world weren’t overflowing with goodness, with dedication, with idealism.
“God doesn’t disdain what only lives for a day. Life’s bounty is in its flow. It pours the whole of itself into each moment.”
May these soldiers’ families and loved ones find comfort in all the good days that accompany them on their journey to the next world. And may each of us merit to follow, even in a small way, their example.

One comment

  1. AMEN! Thus is a very illuminating insight!

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