This Week’s Mommy Peptalk: Magical Moments

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  1. I had a magical moment the other day: my husband was coming home late, the kids and I had a long day readjusting back to normal life after Pesach… about a half hour before bedtimes I thought we should go outside for some fresh air, since we’d been inside all day. My neighbors have a red wagon that they let us use. So I stuck all of my kids in it. They were squished but happy and I pulled them around our yard. They all loved it and I loved watching them, happy, giggling and having a great family time.

    I’ve tried to replicate it – but there’s something about first times – you can never really get it again. Now they always complain how squishy it is, and who’s sitting on who’s foot…

    BTW I grew up as one of six kids. I too don’t have any memories of family trips, or outings. But my favorite memories come from having a good time with my siblings, playing games together, running around outside…

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