The Largest Pedophilia Case in Israel’s History (LINKS): פרשת הפדופיליה הגדולה מאז קום המדינה בנחלאות–קישורים

The Largest Pedophilia Case in Israel’s History (LINKS): פרשת הפדופיליה הגדולה מאז קום המדינה בנחלאות–קישורים

For journalists and others seeking info I’ve compiled this list of links related to the facts of the Nachlaot Pedophile Crisis…I plan to be updating this list with new articles as they appear, IY”H. (English) August 6, 2014 (English) November, 20, 2014

The Algemeiner (ENGLISH) July 29, ’13 (ENGLISH), May ’13

Channel 10 (HEBREW) June ’12

New York Post (ENGLISH) June 3, ’12

Jerusalem Post (ENGLISH) May 2, ’12

Haaretz (HEBREW) May 2, ’12

Haaretz (HEBREW) January 27, ’12

Jerusalem Post (ENGLISH) January 20, ’12

A Mother in Israel (ENGLISH) January 18, ’12
Israel Today (ENGLISH) January 17, ’12

The Forward (ENGLISH) January 16, ’12

Yisrael Hayom, ישראל היום (HEBREW) January 13, ’12

Jerusalem Post Op-Ed (English) 1/12/12

Army Radio, גלי צה”ל (HEBREW) 1/8/12

“Terrorists have Destroyed Nachlaot” by Ima2Seven (ENGLISH) 5/1/12

Nachlaot Pedophile Crisis: At Least 100 Victims by A Mother in Israel (ENGLISH) 4/1/12

Channel 10 News, חדשות של ערוץ 10 (HEBREW) 3/1/12

Ynet 3/1/12 (HEBREW)

Channel 10 News, חדשות של ערוץ 10 (HEBREW)

Haaretz Newspaper, הארץ (ENGLISH) 2/10/11

Haaretz Newspaper, הארץ (HEBREW) 2/10/11

Haaretz Newspaper, הארץ (HEBREW)

Image courtesy of user


  1. Good good good…getting more amd more awareness in the media and amongst the rest of the country should help fight this disease…i just hope it isnt another opportunity to bash the charedi world…i cried so hard on the tenth of tevet.while recting anenu I pictured these little children amd their cry for help…that Hashem should make justice and redeem these children from their suffering and kill off the enemies that are robbing these neshamot their right to a xhildhood the predators of evil who will be punished in this world and forever in the world to come and no one will stop their suffering there..its mida kneged mida…chana you keep talking keep it alive because for the media one day its headlines the next its moved to a small article.and then gets forgotten..yshar coach mother bear!

  2. Ok heard it discussed for a 2nd time on galei tzahal just yesterday, 830am and these 2 speakers were upset withthe newspapers that made NO mention of the pedophilia case or its progress / victims and they were disappointed and said tgat its outrageous and poor journalism to leave it out…i hope these speakers will continue making noise cuz like I said if we let it go for even one day it will ne overlooked and forgot rd en…writting emails to radio stations congress men womem reaaly helps …so even if your peeved at the slightest dont ignore your right to express your anger frustration fear or trauma to whoever will talk about it…

  3. Rabbi Moshe Soloveichik shlita will be speaking on: “Colliding Worlds – Child Abuse in a Frum Community”.

    On Thursday 23rd February, at 8pm.
    Location: Beit Keneset Ohr Shalom, Nahal Maor, Ramat Beit Shemesh.

    Rav Moshe Soloveichik is Rosh Yeshivas Brisk (Chicago) and Rav of Kehilas Beth
    Sholom Ahavas Achim.
    Rav Soloveichik will be basing his talk on his practical experience in the
    Jewish community of Chicago.
    Rav Moshe is the son of Rav Aharon Soloveichik ztz”l.

    The event is presented by Magen, the Beit Shemesh Child Protection
    Organization, and sponsored by Beit Kenesset Ohr Shalom.

    The whole community is warmly invited to attend.

    Maariv will follow at 9pm.


    “Magen” – Creating a Safer Community for Kids

    *Hotline*: 052-765.2929
    Sunday thru Thursday – 9am-12am; 8-11pm
    Fridays – 9am-12am
    Motsei Shabbat – till Midnight

  4. Great explanation for why to stay in the hood. And excellent that you’ve posted all of those media links – thank you.

  5. Zachirra Avrum

    Do you remember the book called the “Scarlet Letter”, or further back, the mark of Cain? Why not add the red capital letter “P” to the forehead of all child rapers? If you prefer not to use a red hot iron, I suppose mere tattooing might work.
    The mind of the victim is broken for life, the life of the victim is a future of hell all due to someone’s toterated deviance. May G-d heal the minds and spirits of our children.

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