My Computer Crashed

Shalom JewishMOMs! When I told my husband last week that my four weeks of maternity leave would be over this Shabbat, so I would be returning this coming Sunday to working every day on my blog, he quipped “Hmmm, only 4 weeks of maternity leave, you’ve got a tough boss!”

But, in the end, my real Boss decided to extend my maternity leave a few days by bringing about the death of my loyal computer z”l at a ripe old age. IY”H, by next week I’ll be getting a new computer and can’t wait to get back to regular blogging ASAP:)


  1. rest in peace. it’s memory is a blessing! seriously, though, the message does seem pretty clear to take more rest for yourself (as well as your computer). enjoy every minute. shavua tov!

  2. Definitely, take as much time as you need! We miss you, but we all respect a mother’s need to rest and focus on herself and her baby (ok, and the rest of the kids…). Besides, maternity leave in Israel is now 14 weeks…

  3. we are all happy you will be resting a little longer. your husband, children and baby all need a healthy mommy. relax and enjoy.

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