Mother of 11 Joins Knesset Today

Meet Orit Struk, a JewishMOM with 11 kids (ranging between the ages of 13 and 31) and 12 grandchildren KA”H, who is becoming a new member of Knesset today.
Struk grew up in a traditional Jerusalem family and was educated at the elite secular highschool “Tichon She’l’Yad HaUniversita.”
In 11th grade she became religious through the Gesher organization and Yeshivat Machon Meir, and she met her husband, Avraham Struk, through her rabbi, HaRav Chaim Druckman of Yeshivat Or Etsion (BTW, that’s where my husband studied as well!)
The Struks lived for a short time in Yamit, until the evacuation of the Sinai in 1982, when they became one of the first founding families of the Jewish community of Chevron.
After many years of full-time motherhood, Struk became one of the founders of the Organization for Human Rights in Judea and Samaria, which today she heads.
Last month, Struk was elected to the Knesset as number 10 on the list of Naftali Bennett’s Bayit HaYehudi (Jewish home) party.
When Arutz 7 reporter Chagit Rotenberg asked Struk how she manages to balance her public life with raising 11 children, she explained:
“It’s not easy at all, but for the sake of the Land of Israel we do many things that aren’t easy for us. When I had young children that I had to wake up for in the middle of the night, this is how I would encourage myself. I would tell myself, “When I didn’t sleep the whole night because of my public work, I said ‘For my children I would be willing to not sleep, and for the Land of Israel I wouldn’t be willing not to sleep?
Mazal tov, Orit! Way to go! We JewishMOMs are rooting for you!! – May our Creator. Blessed is His Name grant you success in this project. May the Creator also Bless Orit Struk, her husband, children relatives and friends as in Bereisheit 24.1 and Tehillim 91.
After years of web site writing / publishing I can say it is a huge blessing and gargantuan work. Thak you for taking the time to research and inform us about the mother of eleven who joined the knesset.
May I join your rooting for Orit? It is an important responsibility. Can you think of anyone more qualified than a mother of eleven? Yes! A mother of twelve… The point is men can learn so much from their wives governing. My wive, Revi teaches me new things all the time…
A man that has a praiseworthy wife is greatly blessed. Can we imagine the knesset with such a praise worthy member / leader. Mazel Tov!
It takes so much time to be a good leader. May HaShem Grant you what you need!
Blessings, Love and Peace,
Dr. Akiva Gamliel Belk –