3 Important JewishMOM.com Announcements

3 Important JewishMOM.com Announcements

1. Regarding the $100 Gratitude Contest, I’ve decided to set a maximum of ONE photo of your husband and ONE photo of your child/ren among the 7 photos of things you’re thankful for in your life. I’m really excited to see your submissions!

2. Another thing about the contest, some mothers asked if their submissions can be posted anonymously. And that’s 100% fine with me.

3. A general note about comments on JewishMOM.com posts. I soooo love receiving your comments, and I also love keeping JewishMOM.com a friendly, supportive place to hang out. Therefore, I encourage you to leave comments that address issues rather than attacking people. For example, “Chana Jenny, I have been an English teacher for the last 32 years and I strongly believe that JewishMOM should be written as two words rather than one,” rather than “Chana Jenny, you are a total insufferable idiot for writing JewishMOM as one word!” The same applies to personal attacks on guest authors, other commentors, groups of Jews, etc.

Thanks to all of you for helping to make JewishMOM.com such an awesomely special sanctuary of niceness, inspiration, and respectful communication between such a diverse groups of JewishMOMs from around the globe.

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