This Week’s Best Links, Videos, and Photos

This Week’s Best Links, Videos, and Photos

The Coca Cola Best-Ever Parenting Video (warning: this video might be overly immodest for sensitive viewers)

“Warning” Predators Doesn’t Work: Please Stand With Our Children and Help Put Convicted Child Molester Moshe Turner in Jail by Rabbi Yakov Horowitz
Request Maximum Jail-Time for Serial Monsey Pedophile Mosher Turner currently free on probation

Kippa-wearing Division I basketball player Aaron Liberman Makes History

β€œIn a material sense, the more you give, the less you have... while in the spiritual sense, the more you give, the more you are.” --Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller

β€œIn a material sense, the more you give, the less you have…
while in the spiritual sense, the more you give, the more you are.” –Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller

"Every morning we get the kids out of the house, it is truly a revealed miracle." --Hillel Lester

“Every morning we get the kids out of the house, it is truly a revealed miracle.” –Hillel Lester

One comment

  1. The coke commercial is amazing! I want to watch it on repeat all day…its just so sweet and real πŸ™‚ shabbat shalom!

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