Mazal tov! It’s a Boy!

Mazal tov! It’s a Boy!

B”H, I gave birth to a healthy baby boy last Wednesday morning! That means will be on maternity leave for the next few weeks, until January 11th…

Happy Chanukah, JewishMOMs! May we always share good news:)


  1. Wow, mazel tov!!! Feel good!!

  2. What a great reason not to post! Mazal tov.

  3. Mazel tov! I am so happy for you! I really enjoy your blog! Have much nachas!

  4. I knew it!!! Mazel tov!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. MAZEL TOV. Enjoy those newborn snuggles.

  6. WHAT??? How do we not know this but feel like we know everything else about you intimately?!!! My goodness, what a shock! 馃檪 Mazel tov to you:) 馃檪 馃檪 I will be smiling all day now 馃檪 馃檪

  7. Mazal tov!! What a happy surprise :)) May you escort him to Torah, chuppah, u’Maasim Tovim…Shep tons of nachas from all your cuties. Have an easy, quick recovery!

  8. Rachel Espinoza

    Mazal tov!!! Enjoy your maternity leave! 馃檪

  9. Mazal tov ! Much nachat vbriut !Chanukkah sameaj, enjoy your miracles 馃檪

  10. Soooo Happy !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Mazal Tov to you and your family!!!!!!Only nachas!!!

  11. Hadassah Rachel

    Mazel Tov!

  12. mazal tov! eight is above nature – enjoy this precious gift of being a blessed mother.

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  13. mazel tov chana jenny! rest, rest, rest, and except help, whatever comes your way. much nachas from all your children.

  14. Mazel Tov! After checking your site yesterday and feeling disappointed that you hadn’t posted in a long time, I suddenly thought, maybe she had a baby. Enjoy your maternity leave.

  15. Mazel Tov! I’m so happy for you!

  16. Mazel Tov Chana Jenny!!!!!! What a surprise for your avid readers! Blessings on your head!

  17. Mazal Tov! What beautiful news!!

  18. Mazal tov!

  19. Mazel Tov!
    Such amazing news!!!

  20. Mazel Tov! Much nachas!
    转讙讚诇讜讛讜 诇转讜专讛, 诇讞讜驻讛, 讜诇诪注砖讬诐 讟讜讘讬诐!

  21. Bracha Goetz

    How WONDERFUL, B’H!!!!

  22. Fabulous news! Mazal tov – just please post his name – even if you are on break. We are all happy for you. Much nachas from him and your entire family.

  23. mazel tov! mazel tov!

    may you enjoy much nachas from him and all your children!

  24. Mazel Tov!!!

  25. Mazal tov! Such nice news! Feel good!

  26. Mazal tov – lovely news! Hope you get a decent rest! may your new son bring you much nachas, together with the rest of your lovely family.

  27. Mazel tov! May Hashem give you lots of nachas from him and lots of koach!

  28. Every baby is a miracle! May he grow to Torah, chuppah, and good deeds. May your family feel the brightness and inspiration of Chanukah throughout the year.

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