Big News from the Weisberg Family!

Big News from the Weisberg Family!

I’ve got some big news to share with you. After almost 20 years in Nachlaot, we moved last week to a new home in another Jerusalem neighborhood called Kiryat Moshe.

The move has been keeping me non-stop busy. Lots of boxes and things to organize and to go out to buy (which means is on vacation until October 7th)

We will miss dear friends and neighbors from our 2 decades in Nachlaot. But we are excited about the move—a new start for the New Year:)

May we all be blessed with a sweet, sweet, sweet year!


  1. Wow, Mazel tov! Super exciting!

  2. May your new home be filled with mitzvot and happiness.

  3. mazel tov! may you make many smachot in your new home!

    gmar chatima tova,

  4. Bracha Goetz

    May your home be a haven of safety and a warm incubator of continued growth!

  5. Mazal Tov! May your family grow in beautiful ways in your new home.
    C’mar Chatima Tova.

  6. May the windows of heaven open for you and may Hashem pour out a blessing for you!

  7. So excited for you. But what a change!? May it be an easy transition and may you see many blessings from the move.

  8. Meshaneh Makom, Meshaneh Mazal! Hashem guides our every move, may yours bring lots of bracha to your family!

  9. Why did you move. Will miss you guys.

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