Bar Mitzvah Boy’s Emotional “Thank You” to Hashem (4-Minute Music Video)

Bar Mitzvah Boy’s Emotional “Thank You” to Hashem (4-Minute Music Video)

This is an oldie but goodie which I have posted in the past. I’m posting it again since this song has been accompanying me from store radio to store radio on my Pesach errands, and at each shopping stop it makes me tear up and feel SO grateful for everything I have.

Forgive me, Father, because I have sinned against you
Forgive all my crimes
On the days that I forgot You, you were always in my life
All of the paths that I took you were actually the candle for my feet lighting the way
I was blind and didn’t see beyond what my eyes saw
The King, King of Kings, thank you for life
for happiness, tears, and laughter
Also when it’s hard sometimes
At those times you are never far away
Also when I walked on paths of darkness
I trusted in You, my L-rd
For the second half, a boy and a girl
Thank you, also, for endless joy
Thank you for the holidays
For the Shabbat that guards
That will never end forever
Every day that passes on my path to Heaven
I have kept you in sight.
The King, King of Kings, thank you for life
for happiness, tears, and laughter
Also when it’s hard sometimes
At those times you are never far away
מלכי המלכים
אייל גולן
מילים: עדי כבירי
לחן: נאור סינואני
סלח לי אבי כי חטאתי לך
מחול לי על כל פשעי
גם בימים ששכחתי אותך
היית תמיד
בכל הדרכים שהלכתי בעצם
היית לי נר לרגליי
הייתי עיוור לא ראיתי מעבר
למה שהביטו עיניי
מלך מלכי המלכים תודה על חיים
על אושר על בכי על צחוק
גם כשקשה לפעמים גם אז אלוקים
אתה לעולם לא רחוק
גם כי אלך ודרכי חשוכה
בטחתי בך אלוקיי
על חצי שני על בכור וילדה
תודה גם על אושר בלי די
תודה על חגים
על שבת ששומרת
שלא יגמר לעולם
כל יום שעובר בדרכי לגן עדן
שיוויתי אותך מול


  1. Beautiful. Title should say bar mitzvah boy right?

  2. savta ima

    This is something I also keep viewing. Totally affecs you in a very deep place.. Now is a good opportunity for me to ask if you or any readers can verify the story behind the viral nature of this video. As I have read, this boy had some illness which rendered him blind or nearly blind until shortly before his bar mitzvah. It miraculously cleared, and so the words are really personal for him, and extra extra moving…and why he was so emotional about the song as well. Can anyone confirm this? Or just one of those invented feel-good stories?

  3. also heard that story… but don’t know any more than you do about it.

  4. Thanks. What does this sentence in the song mean???
    For the second half, a boy and a girl

    • JewishMom

      I thought the author of the song was referring to his wife and son and a daughter?

  5. savta ima

    I’m not sure about “second half” – maybe like second half of life? Boy and girl: a little more accurately I think would be: for a first born son and for a daughter (on the list of things he’s thanking Hashem for)

  6. I forwarded this to a friend and she replied “The songwriter/singer, though, is Eyal Golan, who as far as I know is a wildly popular Israeli rock star!!!!!!!! only in Israel can a chiloni sing a song this spiritual!”

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