How to Stop Jealousy (14-Minute Mommy Peptalk)

How to Stop Jealousy (14-Minute Mommy Peptalk)

Why being jealous doesn’t make sense.


  1. Hi!
    I just had to comment on this very,very ,very holy talk that you posted.
    Like you mentioned in the beginning, I also feel uncertain of what I feel is jealousy or not. I normally don’t think that I want to have what THEY have but rather…why does it seem so much easier for THEM etc.
    This talk was min hashamyim- fell into my lap just at the moment that I was asking Hashem for some clarity in my life.
    My blessing to you,myself and all of us is that we should be able to hold onto this message in the front of our mind so that our experiences can be filtered through this lens at all times- please Hashem.
    Thank you again and have a safe and meaningful trip!

  2. Hi,
    This was much needed for me today. Id rather be living in Israel. Instead I’m dealing with a variety of troubles. It’s good to lnow what Im doing isavodas HaShem and that He will get us where we need to be in His timing.
    Blessings to you Chana Jenny and have a good trip.
    Does Rabbi Nivin have any books available?

  3. I really enjoyed this pep talk and found it very interesting. Is Rabbi Nivin saying that the “oseh tov” ppl simply dont have the same challenges that the other ppl do?

    • JewishMom

      the aseh tov people I think have different challenges, but their challenges aren’t as obvious or all-consuming as the challenges of the sur me’ra people

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