Rebbetzin Faige Twerski: I Was Disappointed I Missed My Granddaughter’s Wedding because of Corona, but Then…

Rebbetzin Faige Twerski: I Was Disappointed I Missed My Granddaughter’s Wedding because of Corona, but Then…

Since I first heard this class, I’ve been thinking a lot about how Rebbetzin Twerski reframed and overcame her disappointment over missing her beloved great-granddaughter’s wedding. I’ve been thinking of it when I start feeling sorry for myself about the current situation, and all the ways it seems to be making my life so much harder (i.e., cleaning for Pesach without a cleaning lady, potentially months of homeschooling ahead, having to cancel my son’s bar mitzvah in May).
Instead of feeling disappointed, I am trying to remember, like Rebbetzin Twerski, that Hashem created human beings in order to להטיב, to do good for us. Everything is from Hashem, and that means that by definition there is good in this whole challenging situation. Even if I’m not sure what it is—(yet….)

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