4 Steps to a Meaningful Spiritual Accounting this Elul

4 Steps to a Meaningful Spiritual Accounting this Elul

I heard these steps from Rebbetzin Heller-Gottlieb (featured on the Rise! into your Crown World Summit for Women) and I’m feeling so excited to try it out this approach to Cheshbon Nefesh year. I even already bought myself a pretty notebook to tally up my points!
1. What you were thinking and feeling when you made decisions that took you closer to where you want to be, and what you were thinking and feeling when you made decisions that took you further away from where you want to be. (Me: Staying too long in situations out of fear of change/not wanting to be a quitter vs. trusting that when God closes a door He opens a window).
2. Every character trait can be used for the good or the bad. Learn more about how you can use your character trait for the good. (Me: This character trait is positive when it makes me dependable. It’s bad when it gets me stuck in an uninspired, bored rut in my life.)
3. Condense that goal into a single sentence (Me: Don’t be afraid to try something new, you might like it!).
4. (Now, this is the fun part) Buy yourself a notebook. Write your goal on it and divide each page into 8 segments. Every morning, reflect on your sentence. And every evening, make a mark in your notebook for every time you don’t live up to your sentence. The 8 segments of the page are for each day of the week as well as an 8th section to tally up your points.
The best thing about this method is that, without even realizing it, we effortlessly start moving closer to being the people we dream to be.
So ready, get (a notebook too) go!

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