What to Pray for Each Night of Chanukah from Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev

What to Pray for Each Night of Chanukah from Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev


  1. Brocha Weinberger

    I love this, and love everything you send. Could Sara Levine tell me where she got this from. I enjoyed it and sent if off to friends and relatives, and one of the husbands wants to know the source and where it is found.
    Keep up your fabulous work!!
    love, Brocha

    • the original person who wrote it up seems to have taken it mostly from Rabbanit Yemima or another Hebrew-speaking teacher who quoted the Kedushat levi. Sorry, I don’t know the exact source

      • Hi, I was the one who sent this to Sara Levine to start with.I was told that this is from the Kedushas Levi by the person who arranged the shiur.
        Kol tuv.
        Sara G

  2. Thank you Chana Jenny as always…It is so inspiring!

  3. My daughter brought this list home from school then we lost it. So happy you posted this!

  4. Leah Haziza

    Thank u for posting this

  5. thank you for posting this! chanukah sameach

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