The Angry Taxi Driver

The Angry Taxi Driver

This morning in her Elul writing workshop, Yocheved Rottenberg shared the following story with us:

“Yesterday I took a taxi, and at one point the driver got angry with me about something. And then, all of a sudden, he stopped himself and firmly said to himself: “Quiet!”
“And then the driver proceeded to recite all of Psalm 100, Mizmor l’Toda, out loud. “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name. For the Lord is good…”
And then, with a new calm, smiling countenance he turned and said, “Slicha, Geveret. Sorry, Ma’am.”
Only in Israel. Where Elul is everywhere, even within the heart of a very grouchy taxi driver.


  1. Love love love

  2. Fantastic! Hidden tzadik!

  3. I totally love this
    I would totally love to try this when I get upset at my kids

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