2 Things that Made Me Smile Today

2 Things that Made Me Smile Today

This morning I had to smile when, by the entrance to my corner store, I saw this stand teeming with unsold honey cakes. On clearance sale, for just a dollar and a half. One fifth it’s pre-Rosh Hashana price.🍎🍯When I came back a few hours later the stand seemed just as full as it had this morning…

This afternoon I took my son to the lumber yard because he plans to build a shelter for the family bikes. But when we got there I discovered I was the only woman on the premises. Like the corner store the lumber yard was also teeming, but instead of unsold honey cakes it was teeming with men buying wood for their succahs. The vibe was celebratory. Boys will be boys. Whether that boy building a succah is 10 years old or 80.

The air is thick with Tishrei. I LOVE IT. Shabbat Shalom, Gemar Chatima Tova and Chag Sameach!

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