Meeting Ada, Mother of a Lone Soldier

Meeting Ada, Mother of a Lone Soldier
A few weeks ago Ada from the JewishMom WhatsApp group wrote to tell me that Nefesh b’Nefesh was buying her a plane ticket to visit her 21-year-old lone-soldier son in Israel.
Meeting this lovely woman tonight over hot chocolate and bourekas reminded me what a debt of gratitude we owe to our lone soldiers. To young men, like her son, who travel across the world in order to protect Israel and Am Yisrael. So incredibly far away from Eema and Abba.
Meeting Ada also reminded me the debt of gratitude we owe the parents of the lone soldiers. For agreeing to send their sons and daughters across the world to protect Israel and Am Yisrael. So terribly far from Eema and Abba.
So, Ada, today we salute your son, may he and all our soldiers return home safe and sound and victorious! And also, Ada, today we Salute YOU ❤️

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