’s Top 10 of 2013
I guess this is a great opportunity to thank you readers for helping to make this such an awesome year at What have YOU done for, you ask? A bunch of things: you sent me inspirational videos and links so I always have something inspiring and cool to post to lift your JewishMOM spirits. You posted insightful and heartfelt comments that I have learned so much from. And so many of you have sent me kind and encouraging Emails…
In those Emails, you thank me for, but without YOU, dear reader, would not exist! So thank you for helping make my dream come true– a website that helps 1000s of Jewish mothers each week feel happy, inspired, and proud to be JewishMOMs!
Here were the top ten most popular posts from 2013:)
1. What Your Child Sees When He Sees Mom (3-Minute Awesome Video)
2. Waiting 34 Years for Baby Sara by Barbara Sofer
4. “National Geographic” Spoof on Shabbat (3-Minute Funny Video)
5. Ayala Nivin’s FULL House: Reflections on Mothering a Large Family
6. The Wedding Night Nightmare
7. 3 Surefire Ways to Get Babies and Toddlers to Sleep
9. Why I’m Vaccinating My Frum Daughter for HPV by Anonymous