Mazal Tov to Devora Paley on the Birth of a Baby Boy

Mazal Tov to Devora Paley on the Birth of a Baby Boy
Good news for the Paley family: Devora Paley, the mother of Ya’akov and Asher HY”D gave birth to a son last night at Hadassah Mount Scopus Hospital. Her husband Avraham, who is hospitalized in the rehab ward at the same hospital, was by her side during the birth, which took place 2 days after Yaakov and Asher’s Shloshim.
May we continue to hear good news from the Paley family! Mazal tov! And may Hashem bless husband Avraham Noach ben Yehudit with a refuah shlema!

One comment

  1. I can’t begin to wrap my head around how much they’ve been through in the last few weeks.
    This is a Mazel tov for klal Yisroel & for me it’s a microcosm of Jewish history. We experience unimaginable challenges & then dust ourselves off & keep building & growing.
    We have our Avos & Imahos DNA embedded within us & with that comes strength to endure & trust that there is a plan & a purpose.

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